Memerhati,mempelajari dan menghayati...



Dan fitnah itu lebih besar bahayanya daripada pembunuhannya. (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 191)

Sabda Rasulullah SAW bermaksud: Tidak masuk syurga orang yang suka menyebarkan fitnah. (Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Firman Allah bermaksud: Wahai orang yang beriman, jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa sesuatu berita, maka selidik (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum dengan perkara tidak diingini, dengan sebab kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) sehingga menyebabkan kamu menyesali perkara yang kamu lakukan. (Surah al-Hujurat, ayat 6)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bila Si Pembohong Mengaitkan dirinya dengan ....



Maka si pembohong pun terjumpa sesuatu yang menguntungkannya setelah membaca tentang Nabi (SAW) yang dulunya dia pernah bersekongkol dengan penghina Nabi(saw) yang mulia itu.
Maka dia pun menggunakan apa yang di jumpainya untuk meletakkan dirinya yang diragui (kerana tidak bersumpah mubahalah seperti mangsanya) dalam kemuliaan, bersama perjuangan RasulAllah(saaw) dan dia yang pernah katakan bahawa penghina Nabi(saw) dan Isterinya yang mulia adalah profound writer.

Terserlah hakikat pembohongannya apabila dia hanya mengambil sekerat sahaja dari cerita tersebut untuk meletakkan dia dan partinya dalam kemuliaan.

Maka di tulisnya begini:

Buat pendokong Pakatan Rakyat marilah kita sama-sama renungi sirah Nabi S.A.W ketika mana Heraklius memanggil Abu Sufyan:

Heraklius: Adakah pengikutnya dari kalangan orang kaya atau marhaen.

Abu Sufyan: Rakyat marhaen.

Heraklius: Adakah pengikutnya bertambah atau berkurangan?

Abu Sufyan: Bertambah

Heraklius: Bagaimana perang antara kamu dengan dia?

Abu Sufyan: Ada kala kami menang, ada kala dia.

AnWAr Ibrahim

Dan ini adalah apa yang ANWAR tinggalkan:

Heraclius: Did you find him telling lies before he made the claim?

Abu Sufyan: No.

tapi hang anwar sudah tipu banyak kali.. “we have the numbers ”

Heraclius: Did he ever break the word given by him?

Abu Sufyan: Not as yet, but we will see what he does in the future.

tapi hang anwar dah banyak kali broke promises hang..nuar

Heraclius: Did you ever fight against him?

Abu Sufyan : Yes.

yang ni hang pun sama ..sebab apa? cuba hang tengok balik masa hang cakap salman rushdie tu profound writer walaupun dia menghina nabi dan isteri nabi dalam tulisan dia!hang angkat orang yang hina nabi sebagai profound writer! dah tu hang condemn fatwa bunuh ke atas dia pulak!

“”Heraclius: What is it that he teaches?

Abu Sufyan: He asks to worship One God, and not associate ought with Him. To offer prayers, be virtuous to speak the truth, and be kind to the kinsmen.”"

"hang pulak baru baru ni ajaq orang ramai supaya ambil tauladan dari kisah Tuhan Hindu!"

Dan ANWAR bohong dan terus bohong dan terus juga memfitnah. Walaupun kadang2 fitnah2nya tidak masuk akal. Rakyat yang "naive", tanpa usul periksa "menyantap" hebat fitnah yang Anwar buat.

Dan ini adalah cerita sepenuhnya:


Arabia, during the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s), was a country without any central authority. It was a country far from the civilised nations of those days.

At the time Prophet Muhammad (s) was spreading Islam; asking people to turn away from worshipping idols to worshipping Allah, the Almighty, the All-Knower, the Master.

The Prophet sent letters of invitation to Kings and Rulers of various countries in the world, inviting them to embrace Islam. Many of the letters were met with a favourable response whilst others were rejected.

In many cases, the messengers of the Prophet were badly treated and abused. But the Prophet was not worried by these setbacks. He was inviting people to the right path and a few setbacks could not deter him from propagating Islam.

Abu Sufyan a leader of the tribe of Quraish and the arch enemy of the Prophet was in Constantinople on a business trip, when the Prophet's letter of invitation reached Hercules, the Byzantine emperor of Eastern Roman Empire.

Hercules, at the time was in his court at Constantinople celebrating his victory over the Persians. Hercules read the letter through an interpreter and then asked the people in his court, to find out if there was someone in the city, who knew the Prophet. Abu Sufyan with his companions was brought into the court.

The emperor asked Abu Sufyan, "What kind of family does Muhammad belong to?" "Noble", replied Abu Sufyan "Has there been a king in his family?" Hercules asked. "Are the people who have accepted his religion poor or rich?", Hercules questioned again. They are poor", replied Abu Sufyan. Hercules was now becoming more and more interested and he went on asking questions. His next question was, "Are his followers on the increase or decrease?" "Increasing", Abu Sufyan replied shortly.

"Have you known him to tell lies"? asked Hercules. "No", admitted Abu Sufyan."Does he ever go against his convents?", Hercules once again asked. "Does he ever go against his convents?", Hercules once again asked. "Does he ever go against his convents?", Hercules once again asked.

"Not so far. But we have to see whether he carries out the new agreement made between us and him", Abu Sufyan answered lengthily for a change."Have you ever fought him in wars?" Hercules questioned. "Yes", answered Abu Sufyan "What has been the result?" Hercules asked, getting more and more interested. "Sometimes we have won, sometimes he", replied Abu Sufyan. "What does he teach?" asked Hercules "Worship One God, join no partners with Him, carry out your prayers, be chaste, speak the truth and keep union with your relatives", answered Abu Sufyan, even surprised at his own answer as it sounded like he was preaching Islam.

Hercules stood up and said, "If all you said is true, then I am sure that this Prophet's Kingdom will reach here where I am standing. I was certain that a Prophet was coming, but I didn't know that he would be born in Arabia. If I were to go there, I would embrace Islam and wash the Prophet's feet with my own hands." This was the way in which the Prophet spread Islam.

He impressed them by his truthfulness, honesty, noble character and dedication in the service of Allah. He did not compel people to accept Islam under threat of waging wars, nor did he compel people to accept Islam by the force of the sword. He fought only in defence, and only when the enemies waged war on him.

Hebat sungguh dia menipu. Gayanya seperti Orang2 bukan muslim yang menentang Islam. Mereka akan mengambil sedikit ayat2 Allah dan menipu serta memfitnah ayat2 Allah.

Kenapa masih ada orang yang menggelarkan diri mereka muslim berjabat tangan dengan orang sepertinya?

Aku di sini tertanya2 di mana letaknya pintu hidayah. Semoga aku menemui hidayah dan berada jauh dari ANWAR yang menghuru-harakan rakyat dengan dakyah fitnah dan penipuan. Yang paling hebat adalah, rakyat buta dan terpegun dengan penipuannya.

wa Allahu a3lam